The Power of Employee Engagement: Insights and Strategies for a Healthy Workplace

Happy and engaged employees

Employee engagement is historically low. In fact, in 2023 Gallup reported that just 33% of employees were actively engaged at work and 16% were actively disengaged. That’s a loss of productivity totaling $1.6 trillion dollars each year.  

So how can a company take the necessary steps to promote and actively provide measures to increase engagement and head into 2025 with a new outlook on productivity and retention? By implementing an employee engagement initiative that promotes communication! 

By joining this webinar we will give HR leaders an opportunity to see the benefits of increased engagement in the workplace AND provide them with the tools and support they need to implement a successful engagement program. Additionally, we will show leaders that engagement is an important piece to the well-being puzzle and that while having and engagement program or a well-being program is great, having both is the gold-star standard!  

The more engaged employees are, the more likely they are to stay longer (retention) and refer their company to friends and family. Disengaged employees cost your company time, money and resources. The key to combatting this is strategic and consistent measurement–while also using that data to implement key engagement initiatives.   

  • Discover what makes employee listening and engagement an important part of a happy, healthy workplace.  
  • Explore recent research-driven insights and trends in employee engagement. 
  • Learn how to build a thriving organizational culture through integrated engagement and well-being programs.  

Presented By

Judy Lee
Judy Lee, PHD
Senior People Scientist, Center for Research
WebMD Health Services