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Better Together: WebMD Health Services + Limeade

I’m thrilled to announce that WebMD Health Services has completed its acquisition of Limeade, an immersive employee well-being company. This acquisition allows us to drive even more personalized experiences, meaningful engagement and real outcomes for global employers, health plans and health systems. Each entity brings unique strengths to the table, allowing us to reach everyone no matter where they are in their well-being journey. Read on to learn more about why we’re better together….

Both WebMD and Limeade share core values rooted in empowering individuals to make educated health and well-being decisions that lead to lasting behavior change. Together, we will re-energize the market delivering the most comprehensive, holistic well-being solution. The end result? Organizations with a true culture of well-being that inspires a happier, healthier, and more engaged population.

Here’s how we’ll do that:

Better Together by Making Listening an Essential Part of Well-Being

Our clients will now have the ability to gain actionable insights by listening and responding to workforce needs in real time through science-based surveys, polls and quizzes. This will allow us to elevate program adoption and participation, empowering organizations to meet their unique well-being needs and support their business goals.

Better Together with Even More Meaningful Human Connections

The human aspect to well-being is core to our business and a unique differentiator. Together, WebMD and Limeade will offer enhanced technologies that allow us to communicate and create meaningful connections with participants through WebMD Health Coaching, Dedicated Well-Being Services, and Wellness Champions.

Better Together to Drive Ongoing Engagement in Well-Being

Increasing participant engagement in their well-being is essential to ongoing improvements in health outcomes. The integration efforts will bring in key features that uniquely educate, remind, and motivate individuals throughout their well-being journey. We’ll also be able to garner consistent employee feedback to personalize the experience, resulting in higher levels of true engagement.

Better Together with Enhanced Communication Services

We will continue to employ a strategic communication approach to be able to offer the right programs to the right people at the right time for maximum exposure and engagement. Our award-winning, customized communication campaigns will be a key element of our integration strategy.

Better Together with a Client-Focused, Collaborative Team

WebMD and Limeade both believe it’s essential for our clients to see us as a partner, not just another vendor. Combining our workforces means that clients will benefit from an even more tenured team that takes time to understand the intricacies of their environment to ensure that well-being is grounded in trust. This leads to a self-supporting community that encourages lasting, positive change for their people and the organization.

Better Together with New Ways to Make Well-Being Even More Personal

Well-being is personal, and our acquisition of Limeade enhances our ability to take personalization to the next level. WebMD’s unique segmentation capabilities, combined with new technology enhancements like artificial intelligence and gamification, will now allow us to deliver an even more personalized experience for participants, increasing engagement and driving outcomes over time.

Better Together with a Trusted Brand

The WebMD name is instantly recognizable and one that consumers already know and trust. It’s an important reason why companies choose WebMD Health Services as their partner. With Limeade, we build on this trust with our combined decades of research and best practices, as well as insights and listening around the employee experience to continue to empower well-being in everyone.

Our combined organization will become one of the largest well-being providers in the market, with over 700 global employees supporting thousands of organizations. I am truly excited about our future ability to impact clients’ well-being culture by listening and responding to their workforce in real time. Our better together approach sets us on a clear path to drive engagement, reduce risk, and support the evolution of a culture of well-being for all of our clients.

John Harrison
Written By

John Harrison

President and General Manager

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Limeade has joined WebMD Health Services, a leader in holistic well-being solutions and services.

We’re thrilled to share that Limeade has officially joined forces with WebMD Health Services. For existing Limeade customers and participants that need support, please visit: